Friday, October 29, 2010


This rocked my socks off. And not just mine - The Huz devoured a large bowl full too.
Who knew that a combo of veggies pureed with cashews and Earth Balance could produce a super creamy, delicious cheese-like sauce? (The recipe is completely free from overly processed weird cheese-analogs. Not that I'm totally against those - gotta put something on the pizza... but I try not to eat them regularly.) The slathering possibilities for this stuff are endless. I took a picture but I'm not known for my photography and the photo did NOT do this dish justice.

What is it with mac 'n cheese and vegans? Everyone claims to have THE BEST recipe.
And since giving up the dairy, I've made a few different versions.
How many times did I make mac 'n cheese from scratch as an omni? Oh, a grand total of ZERO TIMES.

In other news...

Guess who went for their first run in MONTHS??
4.37 miles, to be exact. And I went slow. And I huffed and I puffed. And I still had to take a few walk breaks. Holy guac, am I ever sore. I wish I had some of my PDX PB&J'ers to trot with.

Though I am in gawd awful shape, it felt good to get out there in the sunshine, breathe the fresh sea air, and do some sweating, as Katy Perry (I'm not proud of this) sang to me about her Teenage Dream, and Beyonce + Lady Gaga told me about their Telephone. So... this afternoon, I shall do it again.

I'm thinking of starting a vegan cooking/eating blog. The Chubby Vegan and The Tubby Vegan are both available but I can't decide which one to go with. The tag line will be something like: Think all vegans are pale, skinny, and angry? Think again!

Since I am a wannabe entrepreneur (I've pondered no less than 854,188 ideas), I'm now thinking of something pertaining to local vegan eats. Maybe I supply coffee shops with delicious, omni-approved treats for their baked good cases? Maybe I do a vegan foodcart serving a variety of bowls + some treats? It would have to be REALLY good food since there probably aren't many vegans here, I'd have to have a loyal following of omni fans. I'm marinating.

I also love the idea of a hip general store on our main drag. The Huz and I have discussed this one at length. We'd have a variety of "green" household goods, non-mass produced gifty items, and a long counter with tasty baked goods under glass domes. It would be in stark contrast to the ridiculous beach-themed knick-knacks that most of our downtown retailers peddle.

This is a very disjointed post. I guess I'll get back to my day job!


  1. I'm glad you found a non-yeasty mac & cheese recipe.

    I think your hip general store idea is awesome. How fun would it be to have a little environmentally friendly, delicious food stuff store. Love it!

  2. Yummy!

    I'd love to come and run that route you took me on again, it was so pretty I can't believe I didn't take my camera!

    Come up to Portland again soon, we miss you.
