Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Remaining Calm

So my last weigh-in was 5/17. Even though I know from experience that Mondays are probably the worst possible day for a weigh-in, I'm going to stick with it.

As of yesterday (1 week), I'm down 5 pounds. Not loving 186, but celebrating the fact that I'm taking control of this sitch.

I'm tracking my eats on Livestrong.com and I've been reunited with REGULAR (as in DAILY) exercise. This has included A LOT of running, a bit of gymming, a couple of strength training Exercise OnDemand vids (I specifically love Jackie Warner - I think she could "turn" me) and this challenging yoga vid whose host totally annoys me but the routine makes my arms sore... so it's a keeper. Plus the usual - 30 or 45minute walks with the pups 4+ days per week.

In other news: my mother in law might be driving me a bit crazy.
That is the price I pay for moving into a lovely home that happens to be 5 minutes away from her instead of a 12 hour drive.

Friday, May 21, 2010

One. Ninety. One.

I haven't blogged in 3 weeks. This is the post that I've dreaded posting.
But here you go, my one reader: I have fallen off the wagon BIG TIME onto a heavily padded ass. I weighed myself on Monday 5/17....and it ain't pretty.

Yes - I've worked out, here and there, twice-ish per week (maybe less?) since my wedding 9 months ago. (I don't count our almost-daily dog walks as exercise because sweat is not involved and we only go for around 30 minutes.) I knew I was gaining, but I didn't think it was drastic.

Afterall - I've been eating healthily - organic, vegetarian, mainly unprocessed, etc.
But you know what? Unfortunately, even with the healthy stuff, apparently one still needs to eye their portions like a freakin' hawk, and be careful not to over-carb, even if your carb of choice is quinoa.

On 8/22/09 (the wedding day - isn't it sick that I weighed myself on my wedding day?) I recall weighing 164. I remember thinking that I wished I had worked out a bit harder leading up to the wedding, sweating my way into the 150s, but really, when I look at the pictures I look healthy and happy and I have no regrets.

So where am I now? Oh, only TWENTY SEVEN POUNDS heavier. And you want to know what really sucks? I wish I could say that I've been TRULY enjoying myself, eating ice cream and cakes and never turning down a glass of wine, or bread with butter! With the exception of our honeymoon (which was truly gluttonous - who knew South Africa had such AMAZING food!?!?!) I really haven't been going berzerk. Yes, the occasional treat, but really - only occasionally!

A lesson I've learned too many times to count: it's all of the little shit that adds up to a fat ass for me, combine that with reduced exercise, and that could easily equal a 3-pound-per-month gain, EASILY.

I wish I'd put the hammer down sooner. But I think I needed to see that "9" as a second digit. This is the highest weight I have EVER been. My last "record" of the sort was 184.5 and I steamrolled that one!

So there you have it. Today will be the 6th day in a row that I've sweated my ass of for an hour or longer. I'm back in the saddle.