Monday, July 19, 2010

Like, Whoa.

It's been awhile, friends!

3 second update:
I am down 8 pounds.

Insert clever phrase about slow and steady winning the race right here: ______________________________________________________________________________

I am also, semi-psychotically contemplating doing the Cape Cod Marathon, in a mere 15 weeks. How much can I run right now, you ask? That's a good question! Maybe 8-10?
Also... just 3 weeks after the Cape Cod Marathon, I am doing the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk (20 miles per day for 3 days in a row.) Is it unreasonable to think I *MIGHT* be able to do both? Input please.

Food: still tracking. Trying to eat more protein, but less carbs. Difficult as a vegetarian! I'm not trying to be a no-carber, but I'm trying to reduce the cycle of oatmeal for breakfast, tortilla/wrap thing with my lunch and say, quinoa for dinner.
New breakfast: greek yogurt w/ 1 scoop protein powder and fruit (around 35g protein!). Lunch: whatever. Dinner: fish or tofu w/whatever else we're having.

Sorry for the boring post. I've written about a dozen clever posts in my head over the past month but haven't taken the time to write them.


  1. I think you could do the Cape Cod marathon with some dedication. However, I think you should post pone your marathon and do CIM (in Sacramento) in Decemeber...mostly b/c I'm considering it and if I don't do Justin is going to so I'll be there.

    Ooh I didn't know you were doing that breast cancer walk wow that is intense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Miss you! I am trying to do something similar with carbs.

  2. I totally agree w/ what Alisa said - you COULD do it for sure. I am not going to push CIM, though, because I sure as hell won't be doing that (I think I will have my surgical boot off by then, but probably not be in marathon shape).

    Congrats on the 8 pounds gone! I need to mirror your success!

  3. yay for weight loss!

    i know nothing of marathon running or training, so i'm no help. but i think you rock the socks off everything you do, and would dominate this as well...
