Friday, May 21, 2010

One. Ninety. One.

I haven't blogged in 3 weeks. This is the post that I've dreaded posting.
But here you go, my one reader: I have fallen off the wagon BIG TIME onto a heavily padded ass. I weighed myself on Monday 5/17....and it ain't pretty.

Yes - I've worked out, here and there, twice-ish per week (maybe less?) since my wedding 9 months ago. (I don't count our almost-daily dog walks as exercise because sweat is not involved and we only go for around 30 minutes.) I knew I was gaining, but I didn't think it was drastic.

Afterall - I've been eating healthily - organic, vegetarian, mainly unprocessed, etc.
But you know what? Unfortunately, even with the healthy stuff, apparently one still needs to eye their portions like a freakin' hawk, and be careful not to over-carb, even if your carb of choice is quinoa.

On 8/22/09 (the wedding day - isn't it sick that I weighed myself on my wedding day?) I recall weighing 164. I remember thinking that I wished I had worked out a bit harder leading up to the wedding, sweating my way into the 150s, but really, when I look at the pictures I look healthy and happy and I have no regrets.

So where am I now? Oh, only TWENTY SEVEN POUNDS heavier. And you want to know what really sucks? I wish I could say that I've been TRULY enjoying myself, eating ice cream and cakes and never turning down a glass of wine, or bread with butter! With the exception of our honeymoon (which was truly gluttonous - who knew South Africa had such AMAZING food!?!?!) I really haven't been going berzerk. Yes, the occasional treat, but really - only occasionally!

A lesson I've learned too many times to count: it's all of the little shit that adds up to a fat ass for me, combine that with reduced exercise, and that could easily equal a 3-pound-per-month gain, EASILY.

I wish I'd put the hammer down sooner. But I think I needed to see that "9" as a second digit. This is the highest weight I have EVER been. My last "record" of the sort was 184.5 and I steamrolled that one!

So there you have it. Today will be the 6th day in a row that I've sweated my ass of for an hour or longer. I'm back in the saddle.

1 comment:

  1. I HATE that feeling. Knowing you should've done something months ago, but instead ignored it because ignoring was easier at the time.

    But I *know* you, and you will steamroll this! It's how you do!

    I could tell you it doesn't matter. That you're still gorgeous, your hubby ADORES you (well, I don't this for a fact, but I have a good feeling... ;) ), and that you have all the tools you need with those two, perfectly-tanned gams, but you know all this already!

    SO, get out there and do the damn thing, hot stuff!
