I have a peace offering: a grossawesome recipe
My husband literally gagged when I told him what I was about to make.
If you are a vegan you already know about this secret, but if you aren't, then read on, my friend.
It's been a hyper-productive year in the yard of Ma & Pa Inlaw. Their avo trees are HEAVY with tons of fruit and though I am an avo addict, I can't eat at the same pace as production. Add to that, PaInlaw is allergic, and even though MaInlaw knows avocados are 'good fat' she still can't bring herself to eat them. Why this duo has a half dozen gigantic avocado trees on their property is beyond me, given the circumstances, but Huz and I are doing the best we can to eat these babies before they go bad.
Grossawesome Avocado Choco Mousse
2-3 ripe avocados
Sweetener to taste (I used agave)
1/3 to 1/2 c. quality cocoa powder
Soy/Almond/cow milk - amount depends on consistency
Vanilla extract
Scoop out the avo flesh and place in your ultra-handy dandy food processor (my BFF!). Add sweetener and a healthy splash of vanilla. (Maybe a tablespoon?) Gradually add cocoa powder until mixture is a deep chocolate color. If it is too pasty, add some milk. I used almond milk and it worked a-ok. Taste it. Don't be scared. Decide if it needs more _________ and then add that.
Put in the fridge and let it chill for an hour or so.
Serve scrumptious avocado chocolate mousse to some unsuspecting sweet-toothed friends. Dance around. Pat yourself on the back, you know, because you're awesome.
It is awfully rich, so just a few bites cures my always-throbbing sweet tooth.
Huz actually ate most of my last big batch so I foresee making more tonight.
This time we are out of cocoa powder, so I'm going to melt unsweetened baking chocolate with some brown rice syrup and almond milk before adding it to the avo.
Go forth and experiment!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, the vegan thing would be totally fine if it weren't for cheese, I'd miss it way too much.
When I finally get around to emailing the gazelle my falafel recipe i'll email you too. Her indian lentils were delicious too.